Absence Chart
Time & Expenses > Absence Chart
Absence Requests > Absence Chart button
Access Right:
Staff Related Functions > Absence Chart
Additional Access Rights:
The following access rights are applicable to your Weekly Timesheet can can be found by navigating to Absence Procedures > in your access rights.
Access Right
Absence Requests
Allows the user to access the Create Absence Request page when double-clicking the Absence Chart grid.
Approve Absence Requests
Allows the user to access the Approve Absence Requests page when double-clicking the requested absence.
The absence chart is used to create new absence requests or approve existing ones. It gives an overview of when other staff members are due to be on leave and can therefore be referenced before making the leave request. Managers can also use this view before approving the request to ensure it does not impact on departmental resources.
NOTE: Recurring absences cannot be created from within the Absence Chart. These must be created via the Create a Recurring Absence on the Absence Requests page.
Booking an absence
1.Double-click the grid on the staff member's row. 2.This opens the Absence Requests page where you can make an absence request for this staff member.
Approving an absence
1.Double click the absence request in the grid which you would like to approve. 2.This opens the Approve Absence Request page where you can elect to either Approve or Reject the request.
Viewing a staff member's absences
1.Single-click the grid on the staff member's name 2.This opens this staff member's Absence Requests page.
Additional Information
A summary of the staff member's leave entitlement and what is currently remaining can be viewed above the absence chart. This Years figures are shown on the left, Next Years figures are shown on the right.
The following options are available under the View drop down:
Shows all staff you are allowed to see in the absence chart according to your access rights.
Group or Department
Shows all staff in the same resource group or department as you. You will only have one of these choices. The one you get is configured by your system administrator.
Shows all staff who you can approve.
Shows all the other line managers for the staff who you can approve. This option allows you to check whether your peers are absent at the same time you wish to be.
For example, if you are the first line manager for a member of staff, this option will show line managers 2, 3 and 4. This is repeated for all staff for whom you are one of the line managers.
The following options are available under the Include button:
Exclude Leavers
By default, leavers are included in the list. Click this option to exclude staff member’s who are marked as no longer employed.
Show Weekends
If this option is ticked, columns for Saturday and Sunday are included.
Show Working When Absent
When ticked this will place a ‘W’ in any absence days where there is a timecard attendance booking. This shows the staff member as working on a day which they are supposed to be absent.
My Absence Chart
With this option ticked you will see all the staff member’s who your line manager(s) can approve - generally the rest of your team.
Refresh on Load
If this option is ticked the absence chart is automatically populated when the user enters the Absence Chart screen. If a large number of staff are to be shown in the absence chart it may slow down the grid loading. When this is the case it is recommended that you remove the tick from this option. This will enable you to make appropriate filters in advance of the load.
Allows complex filters to be applied. Filtering Lists is explained in its own help topic
Exports the grid to Excel
Refreshes the grid
Letters appearing in the cells:-
No letter signifies the booking has been approved.
Requested absence.
Working when absence (refer to the description in the Include button option Show Working When Absent above.
Morning booking (AM).
Afternoon booking (PM).
The asterix is used when there is more than one booking on a particular day. i.e. One morning booking and a separate afternoon booking.
Each absence is coloured so that the type of absence can be easily identified. There is a key at the bottom of the page explaining which colour denotes which absence.
These colours can be set in your Absence Codes set-up.
Hovering the mouse over the absence shows a tool-tip showing the absence detail.
Related Topics
Absence Requests
Absence Summary Report