Adding/Removing Projects in your Favourites



To filter your projects down considerably you can add projects to your 'favourites list'. When selecting projects from a Project Lookup, you can elect to view favourite projects rather than all projects you can book time to, this will enable you to list a smaller subset of projects instead of all the projects you have visibility of.



1.Select Add to Favourites (to add project(s) to your favourites) or Remove from Favourites (to remove them).

2.The list of projects will automatically refresh.

3.Select the project(s) you want to add or remove to your favourites list.

4.Click the Save or Apply button.


Note NOTE: When managing the favourites list you are managing the list for the user who is currently logged in. If you want to administer a project to a range of users you can do so via Manage Project User Favourites.

TIPTIP: You can also add individual projects to your favourites when booking time to the project on your Timesheet or by clicking the Add to Favourites option via Project List > btnGridMenu > Project Edit.


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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