Entering New / Editing Existing Timesheet Lines



This option allows you to add a new timesheet line to your timesheet, or edit an existing timesheet line

Once the new project/task/activity combination has been created on your timesheet you can maintain this project time booking directly on your Weekly Timesheet.


Additional Information

Note NOTE: This grid is customised (add/remove columns) via your Timesheet Options.

Columns widths can be changed to suit and are saved when the timesheet is saved.

We recommend that you manage your timesheet so that it does not contain more lines that are necessary. The more lines you have, the more difficult it is to see what time you have booked to which projects and the slower the timesheet will take to display.



Task Additional Information

The following task information can be shown at the foot of this page if the Timesheet Option Hide task targets panel is un-ticked.

It is only available if you are using the Project Management functionality installed.


Related Topics

Weekly Timesheet

Deleting Timesheet Lines

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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