Subscribing to an internet calendar using an iOS device


This topic explains how to set up your iOS (Apple) device so you can see your Timemaster Diary events / messages on your Apple device.



The easiest way to get this calendar on your iOS device is to email the shortened URL which is obtained when setting your Diary Options.

When you open the email on your phone and click the link, you will be asked if you want to subscribe to the calendar. Click “Subscribe” and you will be all set.

Alternatively you can setup a Gmail account as described in the Android subscription section, and link this to your device.

Note: If using Gmail with an iOS device, there is a specific sync settings page that can be used to specify what calendars should be synced.

Refer to the following link for more details;-


Related Topics

Diary Overview

Diary Options



Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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