Edit Project User Fields



This option allows project user field values to be edited. User fields may be used to extend the database to include your own custom fields. All custom fields are shown together on a single page where they may be edited all in one place.

Note NOTE: User fields need creating in the Windows interface. Once created they can be saved against projects in the Web interface as shown below.


Worked Example

The following example shows how to set up a project user field 'Client Size' with four options, "LRG", "MED", "SML", "XXX".

It then shows how to assign these to a project and how they can be used as a filter.


Setting up a project user field in the Windows application;-

1. Navigation: Setups > Project Related Codes > Project User fields.

2. Enter the following information;-


Client Size

Allow which values to be entered against this field?



Project Categories

Pick List Type

Lookup List

Lookup List

LRG - Large > £1bn

MED - Medium £150m - £999m

SML - Small < £150m

XXX - Unknown

3. Click the Save button to save the project user field.


Assigning the project user field to a project.

1. Navigate to Project Listing grid > btnGridMenu > Project Edit > Edit Project User Fields.

2. Click the btnGridEdit to the left of the User Field you would like to populate.

3. Click the [...] button to the right of the Text Value

4. The User Field Lookup will be shown with each of the values you populated in the Windows application.

5. Double click one of the values to select.

4. Click the Save button.

5. The text is now stored against the project user field ‘client size’.


TIPTIP: You can filter using Project User Fields (How?) and customise the Project Listing grid to include them (How?)

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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