Edit Service Fee



This option allows fees for the service to be calculated from a construction value and percentage, and the total fee spread over tasks. This process is very common in (and probably unique to) the construction industry.


Additional Information

To edit fees for an individual task, use the Edit Task Fees option instead.

Use this option to define:

The total service fee

Whether the fee is linked to the project value

The non-chargeable expense allowance

The default profit percentage required



The Edit Service Fees option is a straight forward data entry page requiring the following data entry:


Fee Calculation Method

Choose from a drop down list of:

Percentage Fee

Manual Entry

Percentage Fee calculates the total service fee from a service value and a fee percentage. For example, Service Fee = £1,000,000 x 4% = £400,000

Manual Entry is just a manual entry of the total fee.

Calculated from Scales is a method of interpolating a percentage through a lookup of scale values. This option is not supported any longer but is included in the list to allow you to convert old projects that have been calculated from scales into a Percentage Fee.

Project Construction Value

This shows the latest construction value for the project and cannot be changed here. It must be changed on the Project Values page.

Service Value

This is the value against which the fees are calculated.

Eg. Fees = Service Value x Percent Fee

In most cases this will be the same as the project value but could be different. To make things easy there is a button which copies the project value into the service value.

Fee Calculation Method

Percentage Fee

Percent Fee

This is relevant only if the Fee Calculation Method (above) is set to Percentage Fee and is used to calculate the fee.

Eg. Fees = Service Value x Percent Fee

If the Fee Calculation Method is manual, this field is not shown.

Additional Lump Sum

A lump sum additional to the percentage fee may be added.

Total Fee = (Service Value x Percent Fee ) + Lump Sum

Fee Calculation Method

Manual Entry

Total Service Fee

The total fee is entered as a lump sum value.

Outsourced Fees

This is the value of the service fee which has been outsourced to other consultants. This is a read-only figure. Outsourced Fees

are entered by creating a purchase order for each consultant.

Initial Fees

Shown for information, Internal Fee = Total Service Fee less Outsourced Fee

Expense Percent

This is an estimate of non chargeable expenses as a percentage. It is used to estimate the value of non recoverable expenses. Within the profitability reports, any cost to complete calculated from resource plans or unspent targets is increased by this percentage to estimate a total cost to complete.

Additionally, this percentage is applied when deriving a target cost from the task fee less a profit margin.

Profit Percent

The required or estimate profit margin.

This is used when calculating a target spend from the fee.

Target = Fee less profit less expense allowance.


Notes relating to the service fee may be recorded here.





Fee Calculation Method

Choose from a drop down list of:

•        Percentage Fee

Manual Entry

Percentage Fee calculates the total service fee from a service value and a fee percentage. For example, Service Fee = £1,000,000 x 4% = £400,000

Manual Entry is just a manual entry of the total fee.

Calculated from Scales is a method of interpolating a percentage through a lookup of scale values. This option is not supported any longer but is included in the list to allow you to convert old projects that have been calculated from scales into a Percentage Fee.


Auto-calculate fees on change of project value

If checked then the fees for this service will be re-calculated whenever the project value changes. If this is not checked the fees must be recalculated manually each time the project value changes.


Which Project Value?

This is only shown if the above option for auto-calculation is checked. It allows a choice of project values to be used for calculating the service fees.


Project Construction Value

This shows the latest construction value for the project and cannot be changed here. It must be changed on the Project Values page.


Service Value

This is the value against which the fees are calculated.

Eg. Fees = Service Value x Percent Fee

In most cases this will be the same as the project value but could be different. To make things easy there is a button which copies the project value into the service value.


Data entry differs depending on whether the Fee Calculation Method is set to Percentage Fee or Manual Entry




Fee Calculation Method = Percentage Fee

Percent Fee

This is relevant only if the Fee Calculation Method (above) is set to Percentage Fee and is used to calculate the fee.

Eg. Fees = Service Value x Percent Fee

If the Fee Calculation Method is manual, this field is not shown.


Additional Lump Sum

A lump sum additional to the percentage fee may be added.

Total Fee = (Service Value x Percent Fee ) + Lump Sum


Fee Calculation Method = Manual Entry



Total Service Fee




The total fee is entered as a lump sum value.


Outsourced Fee

This is the value of the service fee which has been outsourced to other consultants. This is a read-only figure. Outsourced Fees are entered by creating a purchase order for each consultant.


Internal Fees

Shown for information, Internal Fee = Total Service Fee less Outsourced Fee

Expense Percent

This is an estimate of non chargeable expenses as a percentage. It is used to estimate the value of non recoverable expenses. Within the profitability reports, any cost to complete calculated from resource plans or unspent targets is increased by this percentage to estimate a total cost to complete.

Additionally, this percentage is applied when deriving a target cost from the task fee less a profit margin.


Profit Percent

The required or estimate profit margin.

This is used when calculating a target spend from the fee.

Target = Fee less profit less expense allowance.



Notes relating to the service fee may be recorded here.


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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