Project Time Analysis




The Project Time Analysis Report shows a breakdown of time spent to projects against two user-defined headings. This report allows a major and minor grouping to be selected, along with a range of dates.

For example,

Selecting Project as the major grouping and Activity as the minor grouping will give a pie chart for each project and show the percentage project time from each activity.

Selecting Client as the major grouping and Staff Name as the minor grouping will give a pie chart for each client and show the percentage of the total time contributed by each staff member.


Note NOTE: To avoid the pie chart and legend becoming illegible it will only show data from the top 10 grouping. It will group all the rest into an 'Others' category.

The report shows the figures from different currencies in separate groupings.



The report initially shows one line per major grouping.

Click on the arrow in the first column to expand each line as required. When expanded, the detail will be shown with a pie chart for each major line.


Sample Report

The report below shows example data based on a Major Grouping of Client and a Minor Grouping of Project.




All figures are based on timesheet values between the dates specified.




The number of hours staff have booked to the clients projects.

Prime Cost*

The sum of the Prime Cost values stored against the staff member's timesheets booked to the client.

Resource Cost*

The sum of the Resource Cost values stored against the staff member's timesheet booked to the client.

Recharge Cost*

The sum of the Recharge Cost values stored against the staff member's timesheet booked to the client.

% Hours

The hours booked to the clients projects as a percentage of the total number of hours from all the staff on the report. (Cell K6 = 350/1030*100)


Note NOTE: *It is important to remember that you cannot necessarily compute the rate by dividing the summed figure by the hours. This is because the summed figures may include a combination of different rates i.e differing charge out rates, or differing prime / resource costs due to salary fluctuations spread across the reporting dates.


Related Topics

Timesheet Enquiry


Staff Time Analysis












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