Approving Timesheets



This topic explains how to approve a full timesheet. This function is generally used by the staff member's line manager.

For details on how to approve specific timesheet lines click here.


Additional Information

Timesheets should be approved at the end of each week. Approving a timesheet allows the contents to be used for invoicing, and approving prevents the timesheet from being altered retrospectively.


Please note:

Staff can be set up so their timesheet does NOT need approving. Please refer to the Staff Timesheet Preference setting Timesheet requires approval? for more details.

Staff may also need to book a minimum amount of hours on their timesheet before it can be approved. Please refer to the Staff Timesheet Preference setting Min hours required per week for more details. If this is set the staff member's timesheet cannot be approved if this condition is not met.



To approve an individual timesheet;-

1.Click the individual cell to open the staff member's Weekly Timesheet.

2.If the timesheet is at the status Completed you can approve the timesheet by clicking the Approve button. This button is only shown if the timesheet status is shown as Complete.

3.Alternatively, you can change the status via the status drop-down list.


To approve a batch of timesheets at once;-

1.Place a tick in the Use multi-select in grid option.

2.Select the cells you would like to batch approve.

3.A Timesheet Status pop-up will be displayed.

4.Select the Approved status.

5.Click the OK button.


Click the left mouse button in the first cell and keep it pressed.
Drag the mouse left / right / up / down to select the range of cells you would like to select.
De-press the mouse button.



Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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