Timesheet Control



This option provides a multi-week view of timesheets and flexi-time cards for all staff you are allowed to view.


Additional Information

Clicking the timesheet cell opens up the staff member's Weekly Timesheet (or Flexi-Time Card) for the week, for viewing or approval.

You can navigate through the grid by changing the Display From: date.

By default the grid is limited to exclude staff who are marked as no longer employed. This can be changed by placing a tick in the Include Leavers option from the btnIncludebutton.

The Refresh On Load option (also on the btnInclude button) automatically refreshes the grid when the Timesheet Control page is loaded. This is again a default option but if you are finding that the grid takes a long time to refresh you can untick this option. This then enabled you to apply filters to the grid prior to manually refreshing via the btnRefresh button.


If your Timesheet Control grid contains lots of staff members you can use the Search option to find the staff staff member you want. Simply enter all or part of the staff member's name into the Search box and click the Find button. The first instance of the search will be located in the grid and all other instances will be highlighted. Continually clicking the Find button will navigate you through all instances.


Clicking on the information button to the left of the staff name shows the Staff Info pop-up. This shows basic information about the staff member and also allows emails to be sent directly to the staff member or line manager(s).


Sending staff email reminders

You can send emails manually to staff members by clicking the Email button across the top and, if you have the scheduled email functionality installed, you can schedule emails to be sent at set times to remind staff of things such as incomplete timesheets. This facility is only available to system administrators and can be achieved by clicking the Schedule Email button. Please note, if you are a system administrator and this button is not visible you will need to liaise with your IT department as this needs configuring on your server. For more details on this topic please refer to to the Timemaster Installation Guide.


Filtering the Grid

The standard Filter button is present and allows users to filter the grid so that less rows are shown. To visually show that the grid is in filtered mode the wording of this button will change to ‘Filtered’ and the text will also appear in red. For click more information in Filtering click here

You can also filter the grid to only show a specific status i.e. Only show timesheets with a 'Complete' status, via the Status Filter option. Please note that you will need to click the btnRefresh button to apply this filter.

By default the the grid is sorted by Staff ID however this can be changed to Staff Name (forename), Staff Surname or the staff member's Resource Group via the Sort By option.


Different Views

By default the contents of the grid are set to show total timesheet hours for the week.

Changing the Time View allows the grid contents to be changed:


Changing timesheet statuses

If the Use multi-select in grid option is ticked you can select several timesheets at once. This option is used to change the status of multiple timesheets without the need to drill-down into each.



Timesheet text colours

At the foot of the grid is a status legend which shows the timesheet statuses and their colours* as shown in the Timesheet Control grid.


*These colours can be changed via Windows Application > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Timesheets tab page.


The corresponding letters appear to the right of the values to signify their status. Below is a list of their meanings;-



The time sheet entry is ‘in-progress’.



The time sheet entry is in progress but there is an error which will prevent it from passing validation checks to become completed



The timesheet has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate staff member. In some circumstances the staff member may be able to approve their own timesheet.



All timesheet entries have been entered and the staff member has confirmed that the timesheet is complete and ready for approval.



This status is normally undertaken by the accounts dept to determine that all costs timesheet have been processed for invoicing.


Staff text colours

The names of staff who require their timesheet approving will appear in a different colour.

The actual colour used is defined on the Windows Application > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Timesheets tab page. Defining if the staff member needs the timesheet approving or not is defined on the Staff Timesheet Preferences page.


Related Topics

Timesheet Errors

Finalise Timesheets


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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