Staff Timesheet / Expense Preferences



This page stores settings used for the staff member's Timesheet and Expense options.


Data Entry

Timesheet Entry

Timesheet Preference

The preference for entering timesheets. The examples below show a seven and half hour day. Choose from:

Hours and minutes (7:30)

Deci Hours (7.5)

Units (75 x 6 minute blocks)


If this person does not complete a timesheet set the preference to ‘No Timesheet’.

Min hours required per week

Enter a value in here if you wish to prevent the member of staff from changing the timesheet status to Complete if they haven’t entered the requisite number of hours.

Timesheet requires approval

Defines whether the member of staff required their timesheet or timecard to be approved. Within a geographically dispersed organisation, you may have a mix of staff who are submitting paper timesheets or who are entering timesheets on-line. Normally you would only need online timesheets to be approved.

Allow overtime

Check if the staff member is allowed to book overtime on the timesheet.

Chargeable days mandatory on Timesheet

This refers to an option to enter chargeable days as well as hours. It is an optional, very seldom used additional column.

Start/finish times mandatory for timesheet entry on mobile application?        

If this option is ticked the staff member will be required to enter start and finish times in their Timesheet on the Mobile application.


Validate Cost Rates

Allow zero cost rates

Allow zero charge rates

If either of these is not ticked and there is a timesheet booking with zero cost / charge rate value the timesheet validation will return an error preventing it from being finalised.

Normally these should be left un-ticked in order to alert you to missing hourly rates.


Expense Entry

Mileage expense type

The expense entry system is divided into two sheets for ease of entry. One sheet for mileage and one sheet of other expenses. The expense type entered here filters the list of expense codes that may be used on each sheet. A default expense code for mileage may also be specified. This will be the default for all new mileage lines.

Default mileage code

When entering staff expenses, this is the default mileage code which will be shown on screen.

Restrict to default mileage code

If checked, the mileage code may not be changed by the user when entering mileage claims.

Brought forward mileage from other employment

This figure is used when calculating the total mileage for the year when implementing the 10,000 miles/year rules.

This should only be entered for new starters and zeroed in April.

Default journey start location

When entering staff expenses, this will automatically be entered for the journey details.

Company credit card

If checked, an extra column appears in the expense grid to allow the expense to be marked as a credit card purchase.

Credit card purchases are excluded in the download of expenses to payroll system to be paid.

Allow scanning of receipts

Check if the staff member is allowed to scan their expense receipts into Timemaster. They will then be able to upload the scanned receipt file into Timemaster.





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