Changing Leave Year Dates

Note NOTE: This is only applicable if you have either the ‘Flexi-Time’ or ‘Holiday Only’ functionality installed.



This topic explains how to change the annual leave start dates for one or more staff members.


Additional Information

The New Leave Year function defines the start of the current leave year for employees. The current leave year is used to monitor annual leave taken against entitlement.

Although most organisations have a common leave year, Timemaster allows each employee to have a different start date for their leave year. This is particularly relevant for some organisations who set the leave start year according to employee start dates.


The New Leave Year option carries out the following functions:

Sets the new annual leave year start date

Sets the entitlement for the current year

Calculates any carry forward entitlement from unused holiday from the previous year, according to the rules defined in the employee’s rule-set.


The option applies the new leave year to all visible staff shown in the grid. (i.e. staff not visible because of grid filters or in-grid filters will be excluded).


Normally the New Leave Year option is used to bring forward the "current leave year" by an exact 12 months.


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Note NOTE: There is a two week grace period at the end of the leave year during which staff members will be able to make new leave requests. The grace period refers to the date the absence requests is made rather than the date of the absence. During this period the system will allow staff to request leave without restriction as the system does not have any leave parameters defined for the new year. It is therefore the responsibility of the line manager to ensure that employees do not book more leave days than they are actually entitled to in the new year. After this grace period staff member will be prevented from entering requests until their new leave year has been set-up. It is within this grace period that the new leave year routine needs to be run and new leave parameters set.



Note NOTE: A list of staff which shows their current, next years and subsenquent years entitlements can be obtained by running the following script;-

select staff_id, staff_name, job_title, department, resource_grouphours_per_weekgrade, employ_start, payroll_no, ruleset, hol_hours_per_day, hols_bfwd, days_holiday, hols_next_year, hols_subs_year

from staff

where currently_employed = 'Y'


Click here for information on how to run scripts.


Multiple Staff Members



Single Staff Member




Year 1

(staff member started half way through the year)

Year 2

(inc. 4 days untaken and allowed to be brought forward)

Year 3

Holiday Entitlement




Holidays b/fwd




Next Years Entitlement




Subsequent Years Entitlement





The example above shows how the Holiday Entitlement is shuffled when the New Leave Year routine is run.

In the first year the staff member was only entitled to half of the normal holidays as they had started half way through the year.

In Year 2, the staff member was allowed to carry forward the four days which they did not take. Year 1’s next years entitlement has now moved to the Holiday Entitlement of Year 2 and the Subsequent Years Entitlement from Year 1 has now been shuffled into the Next Years Entitlement of Year 2.


This is also true of year three.


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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