Edit Project Settings



This option allows a number of project settings to be changed. This page controls a number of settings which are normally edited by administrators which is why they are separated onto a separate page.



Productivity Settings

Is this project an overhead?

Check this box if the project is an overhead. Once time has been posted to a project this setting may not be amended.

This option will be disabled once time or expenses have been booked to it. Click here

to learn how to change this setting.

Is this project used for recording absence?

These two check-boxes are used on the Staff Fee Earning Performance Report and define whether the project is used for recording absence or strategic activities.

Is this project used for strategic activities?

Project is unpaid (ignored by productivity calculations)?

Check if this project is used to record unpaid absence.

Unpaid absence is not normally recorded on timesheets but for various reasons you may wish to do so. In which case you should flag the project as unpaid using this option.

Default Subjective Income

Income codes are required for interfaces to corporate accounting systems where the client is internal (such as Local Authority organisations). The default subjective income code is provided for when the income code is taken in part from the project.

Timesheet Settings

Force timesheet notes on this project?

Tick this option to force users to enter notes on the timesheet when booking time to this project.

Force entry of user defined timesheet column when booking time to this project?

Tick this option to force users to enter the user defined column when booking time to this project. (For details on how to set up the user defined timesheet column and an example of how it is used please see the topic.

Plan resources through timesheets instead of resource plans

Check this option for all projects you are not resource planning. For example, Leave.

Annual leave is planned using absence requests or entering future timesheets, rather than through the resource plan. This flag controls whether the resource availability flags should derive resource allocations from the timesheet or the resource plan.

Activities required on timesheets?

Check to force activities to be booked on this project. Leave cleared if they are to be optional. If the setting Insist activities are booked on timesheets is ticked on the Control Parameters – Timesheet Page then this choice will be disabled.

Restrict to Activity Types

If used, the activity types define the type of activities which may be booked on timesheets to the project. If left blank, any activity may be booked. For further information, see the discussion under the Activity Codes topic.

Activity type allow you to restrict the activities by type thereby preventing the wrong type of activity from being booked to a project.

Default timesheet to single activity

If an activity code is entered here the activity on the staff member's timesheet will automatically be set to this activity.

General Settings

Can this project be used as a template?

Check if this project can be used as a template to be copied for other projects.

Include in bar chart programmes

Check if the project should be included in the Job Programme and Project Bar Chart reports.

Template Copied From

Defines the project template this project was copied from.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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