Expense Codes



Defines expense codes that users can book staff and project expenses to and their settings.


Additional Information

You can enter staff expenses and third party purchases in Timemaster to contribute to project costs. Expenses may be entered using a free-format description, but a more common method is to pre-define expense codes and then enter expenses only against the pre-defined expense codes.

Typical uses for expenses are staff expenses such as mileage claims and subsistence allowances, and third party costs such as advertising bills, photography, postage, and so on. Costs from external consultants may also be entered under project expenses.

Expense codes are defined using a two-tiered code comprising of a three character expense type followed by a numeric sub-division. The expense grouping provides summary information on reports and also allows the entry of an external account code for each type.

As a practical example of grouping you could create a number of expense headings for mileage claims, depending on the size and usage of car, but group them all under an expense type of "mileage" for reporting or invoice narrative purposes.


Typical list of expense codes

Expense Types

Expense Codes

MIL – Mileage

Company Car – 14p/mile

Own Car – 40p/mile

Own Car – 25p/mile

EAT – Meals and Refreshments

Meals with receipt

Un-receipted meals

ENT – Entertainment

Client entertaining

PRN – Printing

Printing costs

Copier costs

PST – Post and Carriage

Postal costs

Courier costs

PUB – Public Transport



Air fares

OFF – Office supplies

Office supplies

TEL – Telephone costs

Internet charges

Personal mobile phone costs

Conference call costs


Associated with each expense type is the user interface they are allowed to be used:

Mileage entry

Staff expense entry

Project expense entry

For example, if the expense type MIL is set-up to be a mileage type of entry, then all expense codes linked to MIL can only be used in the mileage entry screen.


Associated with each expense code are unit rates (if applicable), rules associated with maximum and minimum costs, and links to accounting packages.




To create a new expense code, click the New button.

To edit expense types, click the Expense Types button.

To edit or delete expense code details, click the edit options on the in-line menu for the row you wish to edit.


Expense Codes Data Entry

Expense Codes Page

Expense Type

NOTE: This is only visible if the user has the access right Setups > Activity and Expense Codes > Expense Codes set.

A three-character code defining the type of expense. You are free to create your own codes for expense types. The expense types must be created in advance using the Expense Types button.

Expense Code

A numeric code (numbered within the expense type) to store the detail of the expense. Timemaster automatically allocates the next available code within the expense type but you may override this if you wish to leave expansion gaps.


NOTES: If the Control Parameter > Expenses > Pre-fill expense description from expense code description is ticked the system will populate the description with this description.

The expense description.

Prevent the expense description from being altered during expense entry

Tick this option if you don’t want the staff member to be able to change the expense description.

Is this expense code normally used for outsourced fees?

Check this option if the expense code is used for recording consultants payments where the payment is taken from the overall total fee.

Tax code

The tax code gives the default tax rate for this expense. This is the tax levied on the purchase to be reclaimed (if possible), NOT the output tax code that you levy to your client.

Also use the input vat code for charging vat purposes instead of the project


NOTE: This is only available if the Multi Currency Functionality is registered.

The currency of the unit cost and charge rates.



It is unlikely that staff entering expenses will know if the expense is chargeable back to the client.

In order to automate this process there are three options:

Never Chargeable

Expenses entered are always marked as non-chargeable.

Always Chargeable

Expenses are marked as chargeable. If an expense is chargeable but does not have a unit charge rate, the chargeable amount is set to the cost amount.

Depends on Task


The task setting Are staff expenses chargeable to this task? determines whether expenses are chargeable or not (refer to Edit Task Fees).



NOTE: These are only default settings. The charge setting can be over-ridden on any individual expense by the approver / checker (user requires the access right Staff Expenses Related Functions > Change Chargeable Expense Flag)

Unit Cost

The notional unit cost for the expense.

Unit Charge


The notional unit charge for the expense

If different unit/charge rates are required for different currencies, then create a separate expense code for each country.

Max value allowed without receipt

Enter the maximum value allowed when a receipt is not submitted. (Zero means no maximum – to enforce a zero maximum enter a value of 0.01)

Max allowed overall value

Enter the maximum value allowed when a receipt is submitted. (Zero means no maximum – to enforce a zero maximum enter a value of 0.01)

Are notes mandatory

Check if the user MUST enter notes to accompany this expenses.

Mileage Page

NOTE: This is only open for editing if the expense's Expense Type is defined as a Mileage expense.

Maximum Mileage

The maximum mileage allowed for this code.

Next Expense Type

The next expense type to be used when the staff member has exceeded the number of miles on the current expense code.

Next Expense Code

The next expense code to be used when the staff member has exceeded the number of miles on the current expense code in the current tax year.

Cost Per Passenger


Used to calculate additional cost / charges per passenger.

For example: Cost is .40 per mile and the cost per passenger is .02 per mile. If a staff member entered an expense with 2 passengers the cost would be;

.40 + (.02 x 2) = .44 per mile.


Charge Per Passenger

Apply flat additional rate for passengers

If checked the additional pence per passenger is added to the cost and charge only once, regardless of number of passengers.

If un-checked, the additional rates are added per passenger.

Sage Codes

Nominal for IMPORTING purchase invoices (PI) from Sage

Nominal code from the external system to be used as a look-up when importing purchase ledger data from an accounts system into Timemaster.

Nominal for EXPORTING sales invoices (SI) to Sage

This code is added to the invoice record and used when exporting sales invoices to Sage.

Nominal for EXPORTING non chargeable PI expenses to Sage

Nominal code to be used when exporting non chargeable expenses into external purchase invoice ledger systems.

Nominal for EXPORTING chargeable PI expenses to Sage

Nominal code to be used when exporting chargeable expenses into purchase invoice ledger systems.


Message displayed to user

This contains an advisory note to the user on the information required for this type of expense.

eg. For an expense type of Entertaining, the message could read:

"Include a list of all clients entertained"

or for mileage, the message could read:

"Include the start and finish postcode of the journey"


Expense Types

Expense Types form the first part of the full expense code and must be defined before the expense codes may be created. Examples of expense codes are MIL-1, MIL-2, MIL-3, where MIL is the expense type and the 1, 2, 3 are expense codes.



Related Topics

Entering Expenses

Approving Expenses

Checking Expenses

Flagging and Querying Expenses


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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