Flagged and Queried Expenses

This section describes the rules associated with queried or flagged expenses.

An expense may be rejected by approvers or queried by checkers, and may also be red-flagged by the system.


Rejecting an expense requires a query reason to be entered.

Querying an expense requires a query reason to be entered. The same query reason is shared by both approvers and checkers.

An expense may be red-flagged by the system under certain conditions (explained below). The red flagging populates a different query text, leaving the query reason free for approver and checkers.


There are three rules:

1.If an expense is red-flagged or the query reason is populated, the justification field must be completed before an expense may be approved or checked. Because organisations may require different processes, the justification may be filled in by any of the expense owner, approver or checker. As long as it is filled in, the expense may be approved and/or checked.

2.If an expense is red flagged or contains a query, it cannot be single-clicked approved or checked. It has to be opened up and viewed.

3.If an expense is queried by the checking routine, it is un-approved. This is finance effectively rejecting the claim because of a mismatch in values or receipts or company policy. Either the approver or owner must justify the expense before it can be re-approved.


An expense may be red-flagged by the system under the following conditions:

The maximum value without a receipt has been exceeded

The maximum value has been exceeded. (To always red flag a certain type of expense e.g. client entertaining – set the maximum value as 0.01p)

The maximum age allowed for an expense has been exceeded

A mileage claim is greater than the allowed mileage for a standard journey



Related Topics

Entering Expenses

Approving Expenses

Checking Expenses

Expense Codes

Customising Grids




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