Message Options


Timesheets and Expenses

Notification of own missing timesheets

Reminds you when you have missed a timesheet.

Notification of own incomplete timesheets

This will remind  the user of outstanding timesheets that need completing. Any incomplete timesheets from the previous week (or further back) will appear in the messages list.

Notification of timesheets to approve

If the user has the ability to approve timesheets a list of all the timesheets awaiting their approval will be shown in the massages if this is ticked.

Include messages where you are not the primary line manager

Check this option to show messages where you are listed as a secondary manager

Notification of expenses to approve

Reminds you when you have expenses to approve.

Notification of own approved/rejected overtime claims (only if separately approved)

If the control parameters are set to require separate approval for overtime claims, then checking this box will notify of any approve or rejected claims.

Absence Requests

Notification of own approved/rejected absence requests

Notifies you when your absence request has been approved/rejected.

Notification of own approved/rejected TOIL Bank requests

Notifies you when your TOIL request has been approved/rejected.

Notification of absence requests to approve

Reminds you when you have an absence request to approve.

Notification of TOIL requests to approve

Reminds you when you have a TOIL request to approve.


Notification of invoices to approve

Notify project leaders that invoices are awaiting approval.

Notification of Contract Payments awaiting Approval

This is only applicable to the contracts module and notifies contract managers that a contract payment is ready to be approved.

Notification of scheduled fees

Notifies project leaders that a schedule fee is due.

Diary Times

Default Diary Start Time

When booking a diary appointment, if the user has not selected any time frame these settings are used as appointment start and finish times.

If the user has selected a time frame, these default settings are not used.

Default Diary Finish Time

Task Alerts


Sends notification alerts to the user if they are either the Project Leader, Service Leader or Task Leader. This is subject to the task settings on the Edit Task Dates page.

Note NOTE: the percentage figures used for the 'Target Reaching x%' can be set in the Windows Application > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Fees and Targets tab page.


Related Topics

Setting your Timesheet Options

Timesheet Options

Expense Options

Diary Options

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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