Edit Task Definition



Provides details of the most basic task set-up information.


Data Entry Reference

Task Details tab page


Task Code

The task code is the unique identifier for the task. This can is used to reference the task on the timesheet and for expenses. This can be changed after the task has been created but it becomes locked once time, expenses, invoices or resourcing are recorded against it.

Task Name

A brief description of the task.

Task Type

A generic grouping for the task - this is used so that task data can be analysed by 'task type'.


The service for the task.

Task Leader

The person(s) responsible for the task. This value defaults to the person allocated as service leader. Allocating the task leader sets the resource rate for the task to the task leader. Certain functions within Timemaster such as approving timesheet lines or expenses and editing task details can be restricted to task leaders.

Task Deputy

Resource Group

The resource group (cost centre) against which task costs are allocated.

Internal Ref:

A reference field which is not used anywhere in the system

External Ref:

A reference field which is not used anywhere in the system

Visibility of task for planning

This option has three settings:

Available for date and resource planning

Allow resources to be allocated to the task.

Show in Gantt Chart but not in resource planning

The task is included in the Gantt chart but cannot have resources allocated.

Hide both in the Gantt Chart and resource plans

The task is hidden in the Gantt Chart and no resource assignments can be made against it.

Allow Time Booked?

This check-box indicates whether time may be booked to this task on the timesheet. If left clear the task is not visible on the timesheet.

Force Timesheet Notes?

Check this check-box to force users to enter notes on the timesheet when booking time to the task.

Allow Staff Expense?

This check-box indicates whether staff expenses may be booked to this task on the timesheet. If left clear the task is not visible on the expenses page of the timesheet.

Allow Project Expenses?

This check-box indicates whether project expenses may be entered against this task.



Indicates the status of the task. Task status codes are shared with projects, with a flag on the status code to indicate whether the code is available for use on tasks or projects. The status code can also close a task so that it will not accept any further time.


Click here to see how to set up Status Codes

Task Closed

This check-box indicates whether the task is closed. A closed task may not have time or expenses booked against it. A date of closure is provided to allow old timesheets prior to the closed date to contain closed tasks.

Time is only prohibited if the week start of the timesheet is after the task closed date.

Date Closed



Notes to be entered on tasks.

Expenditure Codes

Task Expenditure Code

User as a mechanism to interact with an external accounting interface.

This only becomes active if the option 'Allow different expenditure codes on tasks?' is ticked on the Edit Project Details page.

Project Expenditure Code

User as a mechanism to interact with an external accounting interface.

This field is not editable. It shows the projects 'Finance Code' stored on the Edit Project Details page.


Task Activities tab page

Task Activities

Link to a single or range of activities?

Some organisations also book time to activities in addition to tasks on the timesheet. This option allows a subset of activities to be associated specifically to the task, thereby providing a filtered list of activities which may be selected after selecting the task. Using this in combination with the Default Activity and Linked Activities List allows the following possibilities when entering time.


By first selecting a task, a smaller, subset of activities as identified in the Linked Activities List is presented as a drop down list. This subset is only presented if the Link to Single or Range of Activities option is checked. If left clear then all activities are presented.

By identifying an activity in the Default Activity, this activity will be automatically entered in the timesheet once the task has been identified.

By skipping the task entry and entering the activity, the task code will be automatically completed by using the Linked Activities List as a look-up to obtain the task detail.

For information on how to create activities please click here.


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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