Timesheet Errors



The Timesheet Errors page provides a quick and easy method of identifying and correcting any timesheet errors.


Additional Information

Note NOTE: You can define whether timesheets can be saved with errors or not.

It may be useful to allow staff to save their timesheets with errors during the initial implementation stage of Timemaster while optimum configuration is achieved.

However, once you are up and running successfully you should stop timesheets from being saved with errors as this will hold up the costing / invoicing stages.

To prevent staff saving timesheets with errors remove the access right Timesheet Functions > Timesheet Entry > Allow Timesheet Save With Errors.


When a Timesheet is saved the system performs checks on the timesheet to ensure the entered data is valid.

If it is not, the timesheet is marked with having 'Errors'. Any timesheets with errors are highlighted in Timesheet Control with having the letter 'E' marked next to them.


When you have identified and corrected reason why the timesheet has been placed in error you will need to re-save the timesheet. This allows the system to re-validate the timesheet and remove the errors on the timesheet lines.


Below is a list of all Timesheet errors;-

Note NOTE: Some of the examples below refer to a customisable field name.

In the examples below the field name is called {Order Number}. If the messages are don’t refer to this field name check what you have defined your field name to be.

This can be done by checking the Display Name for user defined timesheet column value on the Timesheets page of the Control Parameters (Windows Interface > Setups > Control Codes > control Parameters).




Related Topics

Timesheet Control

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

Report a problem

Please report any errors on this page to timemastersupport@equisys.com