Create Project



This option creates a new project.



Generally speaking, we recommend that you create projects from a template that your administrator will have already set up in your system. Using project templates vastly speeds up the project creation process as the system populates much of the information required on the new project from the template used. It also populates the new project with the task (stage) structures defined in the template project.

Note NOTE: Please refer to Windows Application > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Projects tab page > Project Numbering & Creation for details on settings which control project coding and creation options.





Project Prefixes provide you with the ability to prefix your project with a defined code. These aren't normally used but if required, the prefix could consist of either the;-

Client Code

Property Codes

Classification or

Both Property and Classification codes

Project Title

The name of the project

Project ID

The short code used to identity the project. You may or may not be able to manually enter the Project ID text box - refer to Control Parameters and the access right Project Related Functions > Project Editing Functions > Override Create ProjectIDs to change this.

Template To Copy From:

The id of the template project you want to use. The information and structure on this project will be used when creating the new project.

Note NOTE: In multi discipline setups you can be restricted to only see projects which have your service involvement via the access right Project Related Functions > Project Editing Functions > Restrict Template Project Lookup

Client Code

The client relating to the new project.

Note NOTE: This could be mandatory. Refer to Windows Application > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Projects tab page > Saving Options for details.

Copy fees and target value?

With this option ticked the new project will inherit the fee and target information stored against the template project.

Save & Edit button

Clicking this saves the project and shows the Edit Project Details page where further information can be added - Normally used when not copying from a template project.


Clicking this saves the project and returns the user to the Project Listing page - Used as a 'quick' save when copying from a template project.


Template Projects

It is recommended that you use a prefix against your template projects so that they are easily identified and grouped together in the listing.

You can set a project to be a template project by ticking the option Can this project be used as a template? on the Edit Project Settings page.

Note NOTE: Should not have anything recorded against them. They are therefore hidden from view and are only visible on the Project Listing grid if you tick the Hidden option on the btnInclude button.

TIP TIP: You can check which projects are defined as template projects by adding the Is Template column to the Project Listing grid. Refer to Customising Grids for more details.



It is recommended that you use a prefix against your overhead projects so that they are easily identified and grouped together in the listing. We recommend prefixing this with 'Z-' so that they appear at the end of the project listings and are therefore less likely to be selected by mistake.

Projects are defined as Overhead projects by ticking the option Is this project an overhead project? on the Edit Project Settings page.


Absence Projects

Absence projects should be created just the same as any other projects except there are certain fields you should ensure are set.

These are listed below;-

Ensure the Is this project an overhead? check box is checked on the Edit Project Settings.

Ensure the Is this project used for recording absence? check box is checked on the Edit Project Settings page.

Ensure the Plan Resources through timesheets instead of resource plans? check box is checked on the Edit Project Settings page.


Note NOTE: It is recommended that absence projects are not divided into tasks. It is best to create separate projects for each type of absences.


Related Topics

Deleting Projects

Manage Project User Favourites

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