Project Profitability View


Project Listing > Profitability View.

Access Right:

Project Related Functions > Project Views and Reports > Project Profitability View in web



The Profitability view provides an overall view of profitability for the project to project managers. Each project is colour coded as to its possibility of making a profit. More information on the project is provided by selecting one of the reports under the Reporting Menu.


Additional Information

Project Visibility

By default this view only shows projects from your favourites list. This is because the view combines a lot of data from income schedules, timesheets and resource plans and can take a long time to produce.

However, if you want to view all projects* you have visibility of in this view without it restricting to your favourites you can request this from your system administrator.

They will need to change the Restrict Web Project Views setting on the Control Parameters > Additional Projects tab page. They will then need to grant your user record the Restrict Project Views to Favourites user option via the System Administration > Allocate User Timesheet Options > Web Options tab page.

Please note that the users access right restrictions which limit the user to 'My Project Set' or As Project Leader' still apply.

*Excluding projects marked as overheads.


Projects you are a project leader or deputy for are always added to your favourites, as are projects you book time to. To add and remove projects from your favourites list, use the Manage Favourites option under the Home menu.




Effective Date

This is not a column in the report but a date which you can enter. It defines the date up to which costs are taken from timesheets and invoices and after which costs are calculated from resource plans or forecasted task dates.

This is set to the Last Costing date.

Total Fees

Total Fees:

Total gross fees (i.e. including any outsourced fees to sub-consultants) on confirmed tasks plus any chargeable time* and expenses up to the effective date above the list.

This figure excludes fees against tasks which are marked as speculative.


*Chargeable time is calculated as follows:-

If the task is resource planned and does not have a fee estimate then the fee is derived from time charges up to and including the effective date plus all charges from the resource plans after the effective date.

The fee for all other tasks is calculated as follows;-

If the time charges up to the effective date are greater than the time charge estimate the system uses these otherwise it uses the time charge estimate.

Cost to Date

All outsourced fees (in total, not just up too the effective date) plus all time and expense costs up to the effective date. This column includes any actual costs incurred against speculative tasks.

Cost to Complete

All costs required to complete the project. These are calculated for each task and accumulated for the project overall. The cost to complete comes from:

Resource plans for dates ahead of the effective date

Remaining targets for those tasks which are not resource planned

Expected expense allowance percentage applied to resource cost to complete

Cost to complete against tasks marked as speculative are not included in this figure.


Total Fees – Cost to Date – Cost to Complete


Prof %

Profit * 100%/ Total Fees

Traffic Light

The traffic light is a highlighter to quickly view projects which might not make a profit.


Project is predicted to make a profit


Cost to Date exceeds the Total Fee


Cost to Date is less than the Total Fee but the Cost to Date + Cost to Complete exceeds the Total Fee

Speculative fees

The total fees against speculative tasks. Speculative fees are excluded from the profitability calculation (ie they are not included in the Total Fee) but are available separately from this column.

This column is hidden by default but can be added using the Customise Columns facility.

Weighted Speculative

The total fees against speculative tasks weighted by their probability. Speculative fees are excluded in the profitability calculation but are available separately from this column.

This column is hidden by default but can be added using the Customise Columns facility.

% Prob

Percentage probability for a speculative project.

This column is hidden by default but can be added using the Customise Columns facility.


Organisations who do not use fixed fees but wish to measure costs against an overall project limit will need to customise the list to show alternative columns. There are two additional columns that can be used for this purpose:


Agreed Invoice Limit


The project invoice limit situated on the Edit Project Invoicing Parameters page.

Limit Balance


This is the Agreed Invoice Limit above less all costs (past and predicted)



Detail Reporting

More detailed reports are available showing the profitability in more detail, and graphically. To view the profitability for a project in more detail:

1.Select the project you wish to report on.

2.Click the btnGridMenu button.

3.Select one of the reports under the Reporting menu.


The following detailed reports are available:

Profitability Bar-chart

Shows the predicted profitability for each service

Profitability Timeline

Shows the predicted profitability plotted over time

Profitability Schedule

Shows the predicted income and costs on a month by month basis with profit balance for each month

Profitability Detail

Shows an analysis of profit and loss for a project showing all transactions.









Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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