Staff Salary



The staff salaries and overheads page contains information relevant to the calculation of staff hourly rates. If hourly rates are calculated outside of Timemaster then this page may be ignored.


Data Entry




Calculate hourly rates from salaries for this person?

This check box indicates whether the hourly rate for this staff member is to be calculated by Timemaster or manually entered.

Salary Method

Depending on control parameters part-time staff members salaries are entered using 1 of 2 methods. This is shown here.

Method 1: For part-time staff, enter the actual salary paid, not the whole-time equivalent.

Method 2: For part-time staff, specify the salary as the whole-time equivalent

Next pay review date

Target date to next review the salary details for a given staff member by.

Salary Point

Refers to a lookup salary point file containing the net salary. Salary points are maintained from the (Windows Interface > Setups > Staff Related Codes > Salary Points).

Note NOTE: Salary points are used within Local Authorities and large organisations as salary scales. If salary points are not relevant within your organisation then they may be left blank, and the total salary entered directly into the Additional Salary box.

NI/Pension uplift %

The percentage uplift to be applied from net to gross. This percentage should include the National Insurance and employer’s pension contributions.

Salary derived from table

Displays the salary looked up from the salary point table.

Additional salary

Allows the entry of any adjustment to the salary point to accommodate any individual special agreements.

Total net salary

Displays the total of the displayed salary plus any additional salary. For part-time workers, the salary entered should be the equivalent for full time working.

Total gross salary

Calculated from the total net salary plus NI uplift percent.

Overhead group

The overhead group containing the on-cost to be applied to this person’s hourly rate. The overhead group will contain the office on-cost percentage, that is, the overhead from office accommodation and services, charges from other departments and so on. For more information please see the section on Calculating Hourly Rates

Note NOTE: This option will be disabled if the Calculate hourly rates from salaries option above is not ticked.



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