Staff Messages



The Staff Messages page allows the messages generated by Timemaster to be customised for each person.


Additional Information

Messages are generated by Timemaster automatically for certain events, such as a Timesheets requiring approval, or a task cost reaching 80% of its target cost. The messages appear in the Messages widget on the user’s Home Page (only if the login is linked to a member of staff).


In addition to setting the messages by person, a quicker way is to set messages by Login Group; i.e. All staff for a specific login group will receive the messages allocated to the group. To customise the message settings for an entire Login Group refer to the Messages section within the Login Groups topic.


For new starters, the Copy button can be used to copy messages from a specific login group or other member of staff.

In order for the staff member to receive task related messages (such as tasks running late or over budget) they must be allocated as a project or service leader, and the tasks defined as capable of sending the message as described in the Task Dates Edit Page.


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