WIP List



The WIP List shows a comprehensive list of all Time, Fee and Expense values which are available to be invoiced. Before the invoicing run can be performed it is expected that the WIP values are reviewed prior to producing the invoices and issuing them to the client. In an ideal world the WIP figures will not need to be altered but in reality this is seldom the case.

Within the WIP List, users may, providing they have the necessary access rights, adjust the potential charges by writing up/down or deferring charges until they reach the final value they require.


Additional Information

Click here to see what's included in WIP


Click here for a list of columns and their descriptions.



Before you can process WIP you must populate the grid as follows;-

1.Make any filter selections to reduce the number of projects to be included (i.e. one client, one project leader etc.)

2.Enter an Effective Date

3.Click the btnRefresh button


The following options are available on the grids btnGridMenu menu button.

WIP Details

This option opens another page enabling you to edit the WIP prior to invoicing.

Write-Off Summary

Shows a breakdown of all the write-up/down's that have occurred in the project on which date and by whom.

Create Draft Invoice

Explains how to create dradt invoices from the WIP List

Allocate to Prepayment Invoice

prepayment invoice



Preparing WIP to be invoiced



Related Topics

Write Off Summary

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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