New Mileage Claim



This option allows you to create and edit mileage claims.


Data Entry

The exact layout of your mileage claim may be different as the journey details and passenger fields are configurable by your system administrator and could be turned off. In addition, you could be required to enter a purpose as well as the description.

Note NOTE: If you are recording mileage against






The system can be configured so that new expenses cannot entered if the staff member's timesheet is not up to date. Click here for details. If this is the case a warning message may appear here.

Date of journey

Note NOTE: There may be a limited time-frame for you to enter your expense claims.

Please refer to the Windows Application > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Expenses tab page > Maximum age for expenses in days (zero means no limit) option.

The date of the journey.

Project and Task

Note NOTE: The task-less projects always allow expenses to be booked to them. However, tasks must allow staff expenses to be booked to them (refer to Edit Task Definition).

The project and task defines the project and task the cost is attributed to.

Expense Code

Users may have a default mileage code defined against their staff record. In this case it may also be set and not editable. Refer to the Expense Entry section on your Staff Timesheet Preferences for more details.

Note NOTE: Please note you do not have to make the distinction between claims under or over the 10,000 miles per year limit, Timemaster can automatically calculate the correct rate. Refer to Expense Codes for more details.


Enter a brief description of the expense.

Note NOTE: This option will be disabled if the option Prevent the expense description from being altered during expense entry option is ticked on the Expense Codes setup.

If the Control Parameter > Expenses > Pre-fill expense description from expense code description is ticked the system will populate the description with that stored against the expense code.


Note NOTE: This will be mandatory if the Control Parameters > Expenses tab page > Force an expense purpose reason to be entered for Mileage is ticked.

Enter the purpose for justifying the expense. For example, site visit, training etc. This provides additional information to the approver in justifying the expense and provides additional information to assess whether the expense is chargeable to the client.

Journey From/To

Note NOTE: This is only shown if the Expense Options > Show journey details on the mileage sheet is ticked.

This is pre-populated with the location stored in the Default journey location starts from: setting on the Expense Entry section of the Staff Timesheet Preferences page.

Enter the journey details and check the return check-box if this is a return journey.

This could be configured as a single field rather than two journey boxes on your system. In that case, enter a précis of the journey (i.e. Hull – Leeds return)

Recent Journeys button

Note NOTE: This is only shown if the Expense Options > Show journey details on the mileage sheet is ticked.

Clicking this button gives access to your journey history so you can repeat a previous journey

Standard Journey button

Note NOTE: This is only shown if the Expense Options > Show journey details on the mileage sheet is ticked.

The Standard Journeys button will appear only if standard journeys have been created. Picking a standard journey copies the journey details to save typing.

Journey details are validated against standard journey distances and the claim is red flagged if more than the allowed distance.


Enter the number of miles you are claiming.

You will need to deduct your normal journey to work miles from this figure, as you are not allowed to claim for normal travel to work.

Note NOTE: If you are using standard journeys the the system will validate the mileage entered against that defined on the standard mileage setup if the Windows Application > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Expenses tab page > Use Standard Journeys to check mileage option is ticked.


Note NOTE: This is only shown if the Expense Options > Show number of passengers on the mileage sheet is ticked.

If you enter the number of passengers, you must include their names.

Unit Cost

This value is configured against the expense codes.


This will be calculated from the number of miles multiplied by the unit cost

Do you have a receipt?

If you have a fuel receipt for mileage claim you will be asked to enter the following information

Note NOTE: Supplying a receipt for Mileage claims is subject to the Windows Application > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Expeneses tab page > Is a receipt for Mileage required option.

Receipt No:

The receipt number

Upload Receipt Scans

Note NOTE: This is only available if the option Allow scanning of receipts is ticked on the Expense Entry section of the Staff Timesheet Preferences page.

If you have a digital copy of the receipt i.e. scanned copy or photograph you can upload it so it is available to Finance to backup your claim.

Is this a vat receipt?

Note NOTE: If the expense type is not subject to VAT (indicated by settings within the expense type set-ups) this check-box may be disabled.

Confirm whether or not the receipt you are submitting is a VAT receipt.

Approval Status

Only shown when editing an expense.

Finance Status

Only shown when editing an expense.

Flagged Reason

Only shown if the expense has been flagged. Refer to Flagged and Queried Expenses for more details).

Query Reason

Only shown of the approver or checker has queried the expense claim.

The reason why the expense claim was rejected by the Approver or Checker.

Justification Reason

Entered by the staff member to justify a queried expense.

Has the expense been purchased on a company credit card?

Note NOTE: This is only available if the option Company credit card for expenses is ticked on the Expense Entry section of the Staff Timesheet Preferences page.

This option records if the expense transaction was made using a company credit card. If it was, this expense will be excluded from being reimbursed to the staff member.

Is the mileage claim chargeable to the client?

Note NOTE: Requires the access right Staff Expenses Related Functions > Change Chargeable Expense Flag

The system will place a tick in this option if the expense is marked as Chargeable or Depends on Task Setting (refer to Expense Codes) and the task the expense is being booked against is marked as Chargeable (refer to Edit Project Charging Parameters for projects or Edit Task Fee for tasks).


If this is ‘ticked’ the expense will appear in the WIP and then be invoiced to the client against the project.

Chargeable Uplift %

Note NOTE: The expense may carry a default Chargeable Uplift percentage (refer to Expense Codes for details).

If the expense is to be uplifted enter the %age uplift here.


On some expenses the entry of notes may be required in order to justify claim the expense. For example, entertaining may require you to enter the names and company details of people being entertained.


Note NOTE: This is only available if the Multi Currency Functionality is registered.

This is only shown if the Expense Options > Show number of passengers on the mileage sheet is ticked.

The expense currency.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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