Creating Tasks



The New and Delete buttons allow you to create and delete tasks on the project.


Additional Information

This option should only be used for copying ad-hoc tasks. If you want to copy several tasks for a specific project you can do so by Copying Tasks.


TipTIP: If you find yourself adding the same tasks to projects consider adding this task to a template project.



Note NOTE: Task may be created:

Before the current task

After the current task

As a child of the current task - child tasks provide a method of grouping a number of tasks together for reporting purposes or because they share dates. Parent and child relationships become important in multi-discipline task structures. For more information see the Multi-Discipline Task Dates topic.


To create a new task (if no tasks already exist):-

1.Click the New Task button (if this is the first task to be added to the project).

2.Jump to point 3 below.


To create a new task (existing tasks already exist on the project):-

1.Select an Existing task where you want to insert the new task.

2.Click the btnGridMenu button on this task and select New Task > {One of the options noted above}.

3.The New Task form will now be displayed.

Create task from a template;-

1. Select the Create a new task using 'Task type' option. Click here for option definitions.

2. Select the Task Type you would like the new task to be defined as.

3. Enter the new task's Task Code and Task Title.

4. Click the Save button.

Create task from an existing task;-

1. Select the Create a new task from an existing task option.

Note NOTE: The billing method, billing timing, target method and method of calculating the resource rate will be inherited from the task you are copying from.

2. Select the Project and Task you would like to use as a template.

3. Enter the new task's Task Code and Task Title.

4. Click the Save button.


4. You will now be shown the Task Definition page where the rest of the task information can be populated.


Related Topics

Creating Projects

Creating Tasks

Moving Task

Deleting Task


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